Supervised Visitation (Two Children)
Service Description
This service is charged per hour for two children and one other party.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to bring the child/ren or attend the visit, it is your responsibility to notify the Monitor and the other Parent. If Parents do not have access to each other’s telephone numbers, Talking Parent, and/or other method of communication, the Monitor will confirm cancellations. Both parents must confirm mutually agreed upon cancellations with the Monitor. If notice is less than 48 hours before the visits, the cancelling Parent is responsible for paying the full fee. For Saturday or Sunday visits, you must call by Thursday at 5:00 pm to cancel. When visits fall on a holiday, cancellation must be made no later than one week prior to the visit. If holiday cancellations are made less than one week in advance, cancelling Parent is responsible for paying the full fee. If a visit is cancelled with less than 48 hours, or if Parent no-shows, that parent will be responsible for payment, due immediately.
Contact Details
Richmond, TX, USA